Sunday, March 13, 2016

Buah Merah Mix - The Miracle Juice

What exactly is Buah Merah Mix?
Buah Merah Mix is not just a marketing mumbo jumbo. It is actually a term for a red fruit that can be found in the islands of Papua New Guinea. It looks like a giant red carrot or corn. It is currently the focus of extensive researches by different medical groups right now as this particular fruit has a quite a controversial effect on the human health. So far, it has shown properties that help improve the condition of individuals who are suffering from hypertension, asthma, diabetes, skin, irritations, and heart diseases.

Wheat Grass – Contains Vitamin A and C, and has high 
concentrations of calcium, magnesium, potassium. Wheat grass is included in almost any supplements that you can find being sold in the market today. It is popular as number one detoxifier because of its alkalinic properties. It can also help wounds heal faster as it increases blood circulation all over the body.
Guyabano – Contains vitamin B1, B2, and C. Has Dietary fiber as well and Potassium. Guyabano has become the subjection of attention of the entire world as it is said to be stronger than chemotherapy when it comes to curing cancer. It is a fruit famous in tropical countries.
Moringa – This part of the ingredient addresses cardiac problems. It helps reduce bad cholesterol in the human body, ensuring the arteries will remain clear of blood clots and any impurities.
Mangosteen – This fruit is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps people who are suffering from diabetes, heart diseases, and even Alzheimer’s disease.
Barley – Similar to wheat grass, this particular ingredient can be found in many other supplements as well. It is effective against ulcer, myoma, arthritis, and asthma.
 – as already discussed above Buah Merah is the ingredient that summarizes up this mix as it increases the potency of everything in this product mix.

Buah Merah Juice Benefits:
  1. Gives Extra Energy & Improve Stamina
  2. Boosts the Immune System
  3. Fights Cancer Cell
  4. Reduces Bad Cholesterol
  5. Normalizes Blood Sugar Level
  6. Detoxifies Toxins
Why Buah Merah Juice?
  • 100% Organic, Non Toxic & All Natural
  • 100% Halal, FDA registered, BFAD approved
  • 100% No side effects, No overdosed
  • Best Health Juice Drink of NCAF
  • 10th National Product Quality Excellence Awardee 2014-2015 By Q Asia
  • Best Brand Award
Why Organic Juice?
Organic juice contains a high amount of antioxidants. This helps to keep the body healthy and young, fighting against signs of aging. Antioxidants also help to prevent diseases like cancer. People with diabetes can benefit from drinking green organic juice as it can help to stabilize blood sugar levels and contribute to the daily intake of vegetables. Additionally, pregnant women can also benefit from regular intake of organic juice with correct ingredients. As both the mother and child require calcium and folic acid, using ingredients that are rich in this such as kale and spinach can be very beneficial. As always remember to keep your doctor in the loop.

Kids:Usually, children enjoy having juice. However, there have been intense discussions in the medical world on whether juice is actually good for children. Certain studies have shown that too much of juice can cause child obesity. It is therefore good to serve juice in moderation for kids. It is always good to consult a doctor on the quantity to be consumed on a daily basis. Organic juice is the healthiest, as it contains nutrients are required by a growing child. It is much healthier than juices that contain added ingredients like sugar and preservatives. Organic juice also reduces the risk of a child being exposed to pesticides and other harmful stuff.  The icing on the cake is that it tastes good too. It is wise not to give juice to babies less than six months old. The older toddlers require only 4 to 6 ounces of juice every day. More than that may replace other required foods, and this is not good in the long run for the growth and development of the child. Many specialists recommend watering down juice for children. This helps to keep a control on the quantity of actual juice consumed.
Nutrition From Organic Juice - The nutrition obtained from organic juice will depend on the ingredients used. As discussed earlier, organic produce is superior in terms of quality offered. It is also devoid of chemical intervention and therefore safer as well. For a super healthy juice, a lot of green leafy vegetables are recommended. The nutrients present in organic juice consisting of green vegetables are dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C. They are also rich in folic acid. Another advantage is that green vegetables are low in fat, cholesterol, and sodium. It is a good idea to throw in a couple of fruits to enhance the taste. Only fruit juice is not recommended as it increased the amount of sugar intake in the body. Fruits add phosphorous, vitamin B, and calcium, to name a few vitamins and minerals.

Finally A Solution To Your Nutrient RequirementsIf you are you are in your 20’s right now, chances are you are not really concerned about your health. All you really care about at this moment is living your life, earning money, and perhaps making plans for your future. However there are times that you do get sick. And these times can make you doubt yourself and look back if you are indeed taking of yourself well. These occurrences may be short, but they affect you not just physically but in terms of monetary value as well. You begin to realize that hospital check-ups are costly, and that buying medicine can eat up a good amount of your fund. Are the vitamins you are taking really enough?
What is Buah Merah Plant ( Red Fruit ) 
- Red Fruit is safe
- Red Fruit is 100% Natural - No Side Effects
- Red Fruit can be consumed Long term
- It is proven to boost immune system

Stop chemical healing. Go for organic way of living. The only real cure is nature. 

Buah Merah helps those who have :
AIDS- It really is documented that the capability to heal AIDS red fruit is because of the red fruit that contains tocopherol as well as beta-carotene is extremely higher. Both the content of this work as anti-oxidants and may enhance the defense mechanisms. Tocopherol and also beta-carotene ultimately mix to collapse the amino acids necessary for virus that triggers AIDS, HIV, and so the virus can’t set up his life.
 Cancer,Tumors And Cyst - Cancer is really a illness brought on by the development of tissue cells usually are not regular. The primary role of the red fruit is usually to boost the individual’s defense mechanisms and also localize the cancer cells to ensure that cancer cells usually do not effortlessly distributed, and much more effortlessly eliminated, in addition to non-toxic which makes it more secure for the affected person. Role of Buah Merah in assisting of cancers Disease Brought on by it recovery process tocopherol and also beta-carotene content comparatively higher the which, both of these substances interact as anti-oxidants and boost the defense mechanisms. As anti-oxidants, these types of substances may play a role equally Prevent and also suppressed reproductive cancer cells. Omega 3 is included in the red fruit may also restore the objective of Damaged tissue, so it’s suitable for  breast cancer sufferer.
 Stroke and High Blood- Heart stroke is brought on by the freezing and also thinning bloodstream. One reason for this ailment is hypertension. Buah Merah that contains tocopherol that may weaken blood and also speed up the blood flow so that oxygen content within blood to become usual.

Asthma- Studies show that children and teenagers who eat diets high in fruits and omega-3 fatty acids generally have strong lungs and few asthma-like symptoms. Diet modifications are a reasonable option for people wondering how to treat asthma naturally. Research shows that people who consume large amounts of antioxidants and other nutrients including flavonoids, omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and magnesium in Buah Merah have lower rates of asthma. Antioxidants are likely a large factor in the reduced asthma rates because they neutralize harmful free radicals and thus protect cells from damage.

Uric acid-Tocopherols within Buah Merah Mix thin the blood and also enhance the work system lever. Work system within the liver, soon after being restored, creating usual amounts of uric acid.

Liver Diseases/Infections Buah Merah Mix consists of antiviral and also anti-oxidant that could prevent the development of cancer cells. Additionally, the red fruit encourage the regrowth of liver cells.
Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)- Diabetes recovery process could be aided simply by Buah Merah usage Due to normally contain vitamin E or even tocopherol. Tocopherol in the red fruit will certainly enhance the work of the pancreas that discharges insulin function to become ideal. To obtain optimum work of Buah Merah, diabetes mellitus sufferer is advised to prevent utilize diets along with foods result in diabetes mellitus which (containing carbohydrates and also excessive sugars).
Osteoporosis/Bone HealthThe iron, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, manganese and zinc in barley all contribute to building and maintaining bone structure and strength. This mix provides the bones along with much-needed calcium that will help avoid osteoporosis, that is mainly brought on by insufficient calcium. The careful balance of the phosphate and calcium is necessary for proper bone mineralization - consumption of too much phosphorus with too little calcium intake can result in bone loss. Bone formation requires the mineral manganese, and iron and zinc play crucial roles in the production and maturation of collagen.
Anemia - A healthy diet is a prerequisite for any anemic patients. It is vital for you to include foods that are rich in Vitamin B12, folic acid and Vitamin C in your diet apart from most important ingredient iron. So, make sure that you take this natural method of drinking this mix to combat the problem.
Eye Disorders-Higher beta-carotene content within Buah Merah Mix can easily resolve many different types of eye illnesses brought on by insufficient vitamin A. Beta-carotene is soaked up and also refined with the body into vitamin A.
Improve Intelligence- The content of omega 3 and also omega 6 in the red fruit can easily promote the brain functions and also improve cleverness. As a result, Buah Merah mix ideal for usage by kids.
Increase Passion and Fertility-Buah Merah mix in accordance with people who consume it, might help improve male sexual arousal. Result of therapy differs, there exists a response soon after Fifteen minutes of consuming it, there’s also a few hours after consuming it.Vitamin E in the Buah Merah Mix increases sperm manufacturing. Additionally, this mix contains higher energy, specifically 360 calories.Along with the properties which have been mentioned previously, Buah Merah may also said to deal with GASTRIC ILLNESS, HEMORRHOIDS, LUNG DISORDERS and so on.
Hepatitis- is actually a condition in which liver function is essentially because of the virus. Hepatitis B and C usually are not handled may develop into liver cancer (sorosis). Buah Merah mix consists of antiviral and also anti-oxidant that could prevent the development of cancer cells. Additionally, this mix encourage the regrowth of liver cells.
Cholesterol- High cholesterol levels within the blood vessels, particularly triglycerides and also HDL (High Density Lipoprotein), can result in calcification as well as thinning of blood vessels within the heart, brain and also kidney. The trigger may be the usage of foods that contains saturated fatty acid overload.Buah Merah mix can easily counteract cholesterol within the blood vessels.
D. Lupus - Buah Merah mix role in assisting with regard to diseases is simply by improving stamina of the sufferers. Buah Merah treatment within this disease can serve as an anti-oxidant. Ingested red fruit oil likely to raise the defense mechanisms, so That individuals will get powerful stamina and be Capable to reverse the illness. Up to now individuals with lupus WHO take in red fruit has revealed optimistic improvement.
Prostate- - Zinc, Vitamin C,D,B6, B12,Folic Acid,vitamin E with mixed tocopherols in this mix are best for preventing BPH and relieving its symptoms. Drinking moderate amounts of alcohol may help too.
Tuberculosis- Buah Merah mix contains strong antibacterial and antifungal properties besides being highly effective in boosting weak immune systems. Its inhibitory action against harmful bacteria is effective for patients suffering from tuberculosis.
Bronchitis and other Lung infections/Problems: Buah Merah mix are generally packed with antioxidants that naturally help your body cleanse toxins. This mix contains anti-inflammatory properties and promotes the elimination of pollutants from the lungs.. The nutritionally dense properties of this tasty fruit can slow down the development of lung issues including tumor development. Also, Carotenoid found in this mix of fruits is an orange antioxidant pigment that have been shown to cut the risks of developing lung cancer. Another technique for cleansing your lungs is through deep breathing. We can breathe deeply and fully exhale to maximize the cleansing effect. Deep breathing and fresh air is very helpful in keeping the lungs healthy and free from toxins.
Goiter - Due to its stimulating and energy boosting properties, Buah Merah enhances the functioning of thyroid gland. It is also high in natural fluoride and thus supports thyroid. Its antioxidants fight free radicals that are known to promote the growth of goitres and even tumors. Include iodine, selenium and high level of iodine rich can cure as well as prevent goiter and hypothyroidism.
Menstrual Problems/Menstrual Cramps(dysmenorrhea) - Buah Merah mix is rich in Magnesium, Calcium, Vitamin E and C. This nutrient will help relax the Uterus, help prevent menstrual cramps by maintaining normal muscle tone, severe pain,helps your immune system. This is also rich in Vitamin B3 that have been studied as effective in relieving menstrual cramps
Alzheimer’s- One of the major health benefits of This kind of mix is its effectiveness in treating Alzheimer’s disease. This disease is accompanied by symptoms like confusion and perplexity and difficulty in remembering things.
Red fruit referred to as a traditional medicinal practices of Papua, that empirically has been confirmed as a substitute medication for stopping illnesses just like cancer, hiv aids, tumor, hypertension, and so on.. Presently the red fruit has already been effortlessly received, because the quantity of suppliers or even sellers who provide products red juice. Additionally it is most likely that simply allows you to confuse to select the product of fine red juice, red juice product quality, genuine and pure. However, in case you have to become cautious in the choice.

Dr. Nishigaki from the School of Medicine of Shinshu University in Japan, discovered the miraculous healing benefits of Buah Merah. His research found out that the Buah Merah oil 
extract contains extremely high levels of a rare anti-oxidant called Beta-Cryptoxanthine which can strengthen the human body's immunity against chronic and degenerative diseases. 

Dr. Nishigaki also found out that Buah Merah significantly lowers risk of lung cancer.
Another scientist, Professor Elin Yulinah Sykandar, from the Pharmacy Department of the Institute of Technology in Bandung, Indonesia, also studied the anti-inflammatory properties of Buah Merah. Her laboratory experiments have shown that Buah Merah contains inflammatory inhibition activities with performance as high as 97%, yet it does not pose any toxicity effect on the human body. This research laid a solid proof on Buah Merah's anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties.
Buah Merah is recognized as a Functional Health Food in Japan and has been used by the Japanese consumers since 2006.


BFAD/FDA approved with Food Registration No. : 126878. 

Made from synergistic combination of fruits and green superfoods.

Buah Merah Mix Juice
•100% SAFE (even for infant, lactating women and pregnant)

Medical experts are considering this as the next possible solution to address the threat of HIV, AIDS, and even cancer. The Buah Merah Mix however, is not just all about the red fruit. As the name implies it is a product that contains different essences as well. Below is short list of the active ingredients that you will be able to find in this product.

It is a complicated world we live in today. No longer can one buy and consume food based on its face value. With the growth of technology and food becoming an industry in the Western world, there have been many valid concerns about how fruit and vegetables are grown. With profit as the main concern, the health of the end consumer is often left as an afterthought. Organic produce is different in that fruit and vegetables are grown naturally without the interference of strong chemicals.

Health experts have always encouraged us to eat more fruits and vegetables. This type of diet though can be expensive. In this day age, it’s a lot cheaper to just buy a cup of rice and a barbecue stick as compared to preparing a meal that contains leafy greens and vegetables. Fortunately, there is a solution that is available that you can finally take advantage of. You don’t have to consume a kilo of fruits and vegetables per day anymore just to get the nutrients that your body sincerely needs. There are supplements in the market right now like the popular Buah Merah Mix. This is a tasty drink that you can take in anytime and will fill your body with those vital vitamins and minerals.

Ito ang mga ibang testimonial na natulungan ng Buah Merah Mix. At ito po ay 100% na legitimate testimonial na may mga videos pa na kasama, dahil sila talaga ay nag papatunay na sila ay napagaling ng Buah Merah Juice Drink na ito.

For order or inquiries just text/call/msg me in the ff:

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Smart : 0930-647-2551 // Globe : 0917-635-3666
My Personal Account: Arjane Dela Peña
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  1. We ship products everyday (Except for Holidays) our cutoff time is 11am, (we will process shipping your product the next day if you didn’t catch the cutoff time)
  2. We ship our products via LBC, Xend and JRS. Your products will arrive to you in accordance with LBC, Xend, JRS Rules (ex. 1-2 working days within Metro Manila and 2-3 working days outside Metro Manila)
  3. Rates for international delivery is different from every country and will depend on the number of bottle's you order.
  4. Your products will arrive to you in accordance with LBC, JRS Rules (ex. 1-2 working days within Metro Manila and 2-3 working days outside Metro Manila).
We also accept orders for MEET-UPS on the following locations:
  1. Meet-up Points: Sm Fairview, Starmall San jose, Fairview terraces, Robinson Novaliches.
  2. Plus Meet-up Handling Fee of P200
  3. For other Meetup Points (Please inquire us thru text) but we may charge additional handling fees *we may refuse, if we are not available on your meetup point request.
Please feel free to contact us for inquiries and other concerns thank you: 

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illness into wellness In promoting Organic Way of Living. 
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OPTION 1 BUILDER Package P500 + 150 Shipping/Handling Fee

  • Inclusion:
  • 1 Bottle of Buah Merah Mix
  • 1 Organic Cologne
  • Next purchase P250 per bottle instead of P350. Upgradeable into Dealership.

Total = P650
OPTION 2 BUILDER-STARTER P2,500 + 150 Shipping/Handling Fee
  • Inclusion:
  • 5 Bottles of Buah Merah Mix
  • 2 Red Mint Liniment
  • 1 Organic Cologne
  • Next purchase P250 per bottle instead of P350. Upgradeable into Dealership.

Total = P2,650

OPTION 3 BUILDER-STARTER-DEALER P8,480 + P400 Shipping/Handling Fee
  • Inclusion:
  • 25 Bottles of Buah Merah Mix
  • + FREE 7 Organic Soap Assorted
  • + FREE 5 Red Mint Liniment
  • Marketing Tools (Flyers, Product Catalogue, Member Form, Pricelist)
  • + Personalized Website katulad nito
    Next purchase P190 per bottle instead of P350.
  • Total = P8,880

Let's Compute:

25 Bottles x 350 (SRP) = P8,750.00

7 Organic Soap (SRP) = P1,750.00

5 Red Mint x 350 = P1,750
Total Gross Sales = P12,250
Less Initial Investment = P8,480
Income = P3,770
Sa Initial Inventory mo palang, kumita ka na kaagad ng P3,770 Pesos!!At dyan palang nag sisimula ang Career mo sa pag bebenta ng Buah Merah Mix!!To become a member/dealer,you need toAvail Dealer or Family Package!P8,480 Pesos Inclusions: Avail initial inventory of 25pcs of Buah Merah product worth of P 8,480 Pesos Only! You are now already a Official Buah Merah Distributor alsoTotal- 8,480 only!

Essensa Naturale Inc.Authorized Distributor

NameArjean O. Dela Peña
Message Me ➨ //ña
Call/Text ➨ 0930-647-2551 ✪ 0917-635-3666
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